How it works
RTM Simplified and Optimized
Prescribe a HEP
Quickly prescribe your patient an engaging HEP using our Provider Portal. Patients will be able to access on our award-winning custom-branded Patient Portal.
Automate Requirement Tracking
Our system automatically tracks all data points, bill dates, and RTM requirements for all your patients. We'll notify you when a patient is eligible for billing!
Export Documentation and Bill!
When a patient is eligible for billing, we'll automatically provide you with a text export of supporting documentation.
Target Engagement Efforts
With all requirements being tracked, you can target your engagement efforts to focus on patients that are near the engagement thresholds needed to bill RTM codes.
Automated RTM Tracking
Our system automatically tracks all patient data points, billing dates, and RTM requirements. You'll always know if a patient is eligible for billing at the end of a billing period. If they are in the middle of a billing period, we'll tell you if they are on track to meet requirements based on their activity or if they aren't on track so you know to reach out.
The RTM Details page includes:
Patient Data Point Log
Messaging Option
Clinical Monitoring Log
Call Option
Engagement Percentage
Billing Periods
Track all RTM Details
You are always able to access a full breakdown of patient activity on the RTM Details page. This includes options to engage with the patient by Messaging or Call.
Our interactive RTM Timer keeps track of all time you spend conducting RTM activities on PT Wired. The timer automatically allocates time to each particular patient if you monitor multiple patients in the same session.
The RTM Timer includes:
Automated RTM activity tracking
Syncing between multiple providers
Automatically Track Monitoring
Export Documentation
Our system tells you exactly what codes you can bill for what dates. You can export a documentation snippet and copy to your clipboard - you're ready to paste in your billing software and submit the claim.
Documentation Export features include:
Eligible codes
Syncing across multiple providers
Billing start/end dates
Manual edit option
Formatted data logs